Barnet som dödade Alexandra är troligtvis en vuxen man

“Barnet” som dödade Alexandra Mezher heter Youssaf Khaliif Nuur och är med största sannolikhet inte alls 15 år gammal, utan en vuxen man. Troligtvis var avsikten inte att döda Alexandra Mezher, utan hon drabbades när hon försökte avstyra hans attack mot en annan. Den explosion av brottslighet vi nu ser är resultatet av att Sverige öppnade portarna för massinvandringen. Allt avslöjat för Daily Mail av källor med lång erfarenhet och god insikt i utredningen.

Text: Tobias Lindberg 2016-01-29

invandring-Youssaf-Khaliif-Nuur-drap-alexandra-mezher-001I en informationsrik artikel skriver Daily Mail om mannen som i måndags morse dödade den 22-årige Alexandra Mezher som jobbade på ett boende för ensamkommande barn. Längre ned i denna text finns de viktigaste citaten samlade.

Personen som dödade Alexandra Mezher heter Youssaf Khaliif Nuur och han påstår att han är 15 år, en ålder som med största sannolikhet är påhittad. Troligtvis är han äldre, vilket är tydligt när man ser på bilderna från häktningsförhandlingen och detta är också något som personer som står nära utredningen bekräftar när de talar med Daily Mail. Alexandra Mezher hade dessutom berättat för sin mor att hon på boendet fick ta hand om kraftfulla killar som kunde vara upp till 24 år gamla på detta boende menat för 14–17-åriga barn.

En källa med 30 år vid Göteborgspolisen förklarar för Daily Mail att Youssaf Khaliif Nuur troligtvis inte hade för avsikt att döda Alexandra Mezher, utan att hon dödades för att hon stod emellan och försökte hindra honom att attackera en annan av de boende på hemmet. Vidare påpekar källan att det var fel av de som ansvarar för boendet att låta Alexandra Mezher arbeta själv den natten.

Den erfarna källan vid Göteborgspolisen avslutar med att förklara för Daily Mail att den explosionsliknande utvecklingen av brottsligheten i Göteborg, speciellt våldsbrottsligheten, började när Sverige öppnade portarna på vid gavel för massinvandringen. Under de 30 åren vid polisen har källan aldrig upplevt något liknande som nu. Idag drar våldsamma gäng runt på gatorna, vapen har blivit regel snarare än undantag, polisen upplever allt oftare att deras ingripande möts med väpnat motstånd, personrån blir allt vanligare, pensionärer får pistoler upptryckta i ansiktet och masskjutningar i staden som dödar många människor.


Här nedanför följer vad jag anser vara de viktigaste citaten från artikeln i Daily Mail.

“Psychology graduate Miss Mezher had warned her mother she ‎was caring for ‘big powerful guys’ aged up to 24 in the shelter for children aged 14 to 17.

Children’s asylum applications are fast-tracked ‎in Sweden, prompting some grown men to lie and say they are teenagers. ‎Handcuffed Khaliif Nuur, looking older than his supposed 15 years, was ushered into court wearing a blanket over his head, a white T-shirt, light blue shirt and jeans.‎


A source close to the investigation told MailOnline: ‘Youssaf Khaliif Nuur is older than 15. You can see he has moustache and a beard. He shaves but you can see he has facial hair.

‘He is between 16 and 20 I believe. He is from Somalia. He left Africa less than a year ago. He has only recently arrived in Sweden. He spoke the Somalian language very well,’ they added.


The bloodshed happened at breakfast on Monday at the child shelter in Mölndal, a suburb of Gothenburg, where Miss Mezher was the only member of staff on duty.

Khaliif Nuur allegedly launched an unprovoked attack on another youth, and Miss Mezher intervened and was stabbed in the back and thigh, and died in hospital hours later. ‘The murder started with an attack on another man,’ a source at Gothenburg Police told MailOnline today.

‘There was an argument between the suspect and another resident at the hostel. I don’t know the reason for the argument between the two residents. But in some way this woman got between them. She was trying to break up the fight.

‘This lady [Alexandra Mezher] tried to separate them and told him [Youssaf Khaliif Nuur] to stop but he [allegedly] stabbed her.’

The source dismissed any suggestion that the killing had a sexual motive. He added murder suspect Youssaf Khaliif Nuur, 15, had complained of feeling ‘unwell’ the night before and had not slept at all in the hours before the alleged attack.


Managers of the adolescent migrant centre should not have let Miss Mezher work the night shift on her own if they knew one of the residents was suffering a mental health breakdown, the Gothenburg Police source claimed.

He told MailOnline: ‘If the management of the centre knew that one of the residents was not [mentally] well [they] should have got in extra staff to help her that night.’

The source, who has worked for Gothenburg Police for over 30 years, has detailed the ‘explosion in crime’ in the Swedish city since the country ‘threw open the doors’ to mass immigration.

He told MailOnline: ‘We have experienced an explosion in crime, particularly violent crime, since our politicians threw open the doors to immigrants from all over the world. I have worked in Gothenburg for over 30 years and I have never known anything like it.

‘The city always had a bit of trouble, but it was usually among people who were drunk and knew each other.

‘But now I will not let my children go into the city after 2pm and especially not at night. There are violent gangs roaming around the streets and the use of knives and other weapons have become normal, rather than a rarity as it used to be.

‘There are 20 robberies in Gothenburg every day – usually with violence or the threat of violence. This week an 83-year-old lady had a gun put in her face when she was mugged on her way to play bingo. They got away with just 50 Kroner [about £4].

‘In the summer there were mass shootings with lots of people killed, including a little girl.’ He added the city streets were now at the mercy of gangs of young men mainly from North Africa.

The source revealed: ‘In the past couple of months we have noticed a dramatic increase in street robbery. This is a new phenomenon.

‘They will do anything to get money – steal a person’s wallet, iPhone, jewellery. And then they will attack their victim and kick them half to death.

‘Drug crime has gone through the roof. Every drug is available on the street nowadays, even in broad daylight. And when the police arrest someone nowadays the suspect often fights back – with a knife or a screwdriver. This is not something we have seen before.’”


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